"Maggie" (born dun) 1.45 cm

Born 1996 at Gunner & Anne Harder Andersen, Frederiksminde Stud in Denmark.

Maggie's parents and siblings do not need any further presentation as they already is represented in both Europe, USA and Australia.

Maggie is in Denmark inspected and classified as II A. At the Swedish Breed Show 2005 she won her class with 41 points and a gold medal.

Foal list    
-01 Filly Skousboe Hero Dambaekgårds Magic Mareesa
-03 Filly Grey Rock Bonner Dambaekgårds Magic Melody
-04 Filly Mannin Bay Cuckoo Jeros Magic Movement
-06 Colt Janus Jeros Magic Star
-08 Colt Kulan Kavat Woolpacks Timmy Tiptoes
-09 Filly Pady Melody d'Auxence Woolpacks Tiggy-Winkle
-13 Filly Linsfort Barney Woolpacks Sally Henny-Penny
-16 Colt Linsfort Barney Woolpacks Squirrel Nutkin
-18 Colt Linsfort Barney Woolpacks Twinkleberry


Hazy Dawn
Dale Haze
RC 57
Tully Grey
IRE 110
Abbeyleix Bluebird
IRE 6595
IRE 7338
Abbeyleix Owen
IRE 496
Trabane Castle
IRE 5959
Öxenholm Movie Star
C 338
CH 24
Rebel Wind
IRE 127
Callowfeenish Dolly 2nd
IRE 1913
Öxenholm Marigold
IRE 7257
Öxenholm Godot
CH 17
Öxenholm Marilyn
C 157